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Kids together

There was a group of eight friends living in the same alley.

Each one of them has a unique quality.


A loving and respectful girl always shows love and respect to everyone around her, without considering their background or differences.

Kinjle, the kind girl, used to be kind to others. She said to her friends that kindness can be seen by the blind and heard by the deaf.

Haroon, the honest, always used to speak the truth, even if it was against him.

He was of a strong character, never lying.

Guria, the grateful, shows gratitude in every situation. She counts her blessings and is always grateful for what she has, no matter how small.

Hirathe, the helping girl 

Finds pleasure in helping others; true success is your contribution to the well-being of others.

Patahan, the patient, always used to be patient under different circumstances.

And he overcame many problems and gained success due to his quality of patience.

Fatimah, the forgiving.

She shared her opinion on forgiveness, saying that it is a gift not just to others but to yourself.

Huma, the humble, always shows 

Humility. She was in favour of humility. 

These were her favourite words: Be humble in your success, for humility is the path to true greatness.

Once, they decided to go to the park on the weekend.

They all came to the park. There in the park 

They encountered many people and showed their unique qualities to those in need.

First of all, they met a negro boy on their way to the park who was looking at some of the kids playing.

Lisida felt sympathetic towards him and asked him about not playing and sitting alone.

His large, round eyes were filled with tears dripping down one after the other on his cheeks.

He said that they are not allowing me to play with them because I am of a different race.

Lisida wiped his tears and said, It is wrong. You can come with us; we are going to the park.

We are all equal. None is better than the other on the basis of colour or race.

He got happy and joined them with a smile.

Lisida, the loving and caring girl, spread a smile on the sad boy’s face and showed her good qualities.

They again started moving towards the park. They saw an old man counting the money, and instead of putting it in his wallet, he dropped the money on the road, as he was blind.

Kinjle saw the man and shouted, Hey friends, let’s help the man; he is unable to see and has dropped his money.

They went to the old man and gave him the money he had dropped.

The old man became very happy with their kindness and asked them to come with him to the shop.

There, he bought many gifts for children and thanked them for their kindness.

They continued their journey to the park and reached there, where they started opening their gifts.

The gift Haroon opened was the most beautiful toy as compared to other toys children were having.

All the children were looking at toys when suddenly he handed over his gift to the negro boy they met on the way.

He said honesty is the best policy. This was not mine; it was his gift .

I mistakenly opened it. The man gave it to me for him.

Guria said his gift is obviously more beautiful than ours, but we need to be thankful for ours as well.

We have a place to live and food to eat. On top of that, having toys and gifts.

We should be grateful for everything we have.

When they started eating in the park, a boy and his sister passed nearby. Hirathe suddenly saw that they were looking at the food.

She went to them and asked them to join the party and eat with them.

The siblings got excited and joined them.

Hirathe felt pleased by helping them , moreover, she took the leftover food, and instead of wasting it by throwing it in the dustbin, she gave it to cats moving in the park.

Patahan was a very good child. He used to be patient under any circumstances. When someone tried to fight, he used to stay calm and resolve the issue.

On their way back home, they met a group of children who were annoying them and shouting at them.

All other group members started answering them in a tone like theirs.

They started fighting, but Patahan, due to his quality of Patience, resolved the issue.

They were moving back to their home and talking about the group they fought, and saying they would not forgive this group. Though the issue was resolved at that time, they misbehaved, so we won’t talk to them.

Fatimah came forward and told her group members to listen to me. My friends, forgiveness is such a nice gift to us that it not only relaxes the forgiven one but the forgiving one as well.

Believe me,  let’s try forgiving, and you will feel the joy of it.

When they listened to her, they decided to forgive the group.

When they returned to their home, they just cleaned themselves, brushed their teeth, recited prayers for sleeping, and slept.

Next morning, Huma came out shouting that she had won a great prize because she stood first in her class.

But she was still so humble after her distinct position in the class.

Talking to everyone, loving everyone, and showing care, not arrogance.

A vast sea is made up of little drops of water.

And the same sea serves greater purposes.

In the same way, each kid exhibiting unique qualities can impact one another positively; they can learn more, and secondly, their good qualities can also help in growing a better nation.

 Kids, share yours!!!

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