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Parts of speech: easy and simple

Parts of speech  

Simple and easy

Speech is not only the speech that is made in schools on stage, but the speech also includes normal day-to-day conversation. So, today, parts of speech, or, in simple words, parts of our talking process, will be explained.

There are eight parts to speech, and while we talk, we use these eight parts in our conversation.

Here are eight parts of speech.

1: Noun

2: Pronoun 

3: Verb

4: Adverb

5: Adjective

6: Conjunction

7: Interjection

8: Preposition 

The name of a person, place, or object is called a noun.

The definition indicates that almost everything in our surroundings is a noun, for example.

Name: Alina, Sara, John 

Person: father, sister, mother, uncle, etc.

Please: Karachi, London, room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.

Object: friendship, bed, pills, ice cream ear, etc.

A pronoun is used in order to avoid the repeated use of a noun.

While talking, we don’t repeat nouns again and again, but we use nouns in the beginning and when required, so therefore we use pronouns instead of nouns.


Sana is going to the bazaar. Sana is a good girl, and Sana is very intelligent.

Sana is going to the bazaar; she is a good girl, and she is very intelligent.

In the above examples, which passage do you think looks fine? Obviously the second one, because it did not use a noun again and again but used the word she, which is a pronoun.

Verbs are the state of being and an action. Example

1:She is playing.

2:He is eating.

3:John is sitting.

4:Ali is looking out the window.

In the above examples, the words eating and playing are actions performed by someone, so these are verbs.

In the next two examples of sitting and cooking, are showing states or position of John and Alice, are also verbs.

An Adverb is modifying the meaning of a verb, adjective, and another adverb, or simply adding something to the meaning of a verb, adverb, and adjective is an adverb 


1:He is going slowly.

2:They are playing well.

3:He is speaking softly.

In the above example, slowly, well, and softly are adverbs because they are adding something to the meaning of verbs, which are going, playing, and speaking.

In the above example, he is going slowly.

The word slowly explains the verb, going further, so it is an adverb.

An adjective is when something is added to a noun or pronoun, for example.

1:Hot hair is beautiful.

2:They are well-mannered.

3:The table is brown.

In the above examples, words beautiful, well-mannered, and brown are explaining the noun more; therefore, they are called adjectives.

Conjunctions are used to join sentences, for example, but, if, etc.

An interjection is the use of words to express strong emotions, for example.

1:Hurray! We won

2:Alas! She failed the exams.

A preposition is a word that shows a relation between different things. For example,

1:Where do you come from?

2:The book is on the table.

3:Cat was under the chair.

In the above examples from, on, and under are prepositions that show the relation of different things, like cat, and chair, book, and table.

We will now dive further into these parts of speech; the above were just basics on which almost all grammar is based.

           Types of Noun 

Below are the types of nouns.

Common Noun

Proper Noun

Compound Noun

Collective Noun 

Concrete Noun

Abstract Noun

A common noun is a noun that shows people and things in general, for example, House 



Proper Noun indicates a specific person or an object for example 



A collective noun  is a group of people, for example 



Military force.

A compound noun is combining two or more nouns, for example 

Mango juice 

School girls 

Strawberry pie

Concrete Nouns  are things that can be seen, touched, and smelled, for example, House 



Abstract nouns are nouns that cannot be touched like 

Ideas, quality, etc 




Countable nouns as the name suggest can be counted these can be singular or plural for example 




Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted they can only be used in singular, for example




              Types of verb

There are many types of verbs like 

Action verbs 

State verbs

Transitive verbs

Intransitive verbs

Auxiliary verbs 

Model words

Action verbs are verbs that indicate actions, for example 

She is playing 

He is jumping 

I am eating.

State verbs indicate a state of being like feelings, emotions, positions, senses, etc. She loves her car 

He has a pet 

I think we should leave.

The intransitive verb there is no object in the intransitive verbs, for example 

They laughed

I drive 

She read

Transitive verbs are verbs having objects for example 

I love my house. 

They supported her.

Auxiliary verbs are also known as helping verbs. For example 

He is driving a car 

She has been waiting for the train

I am writing a book

Modal verbs are also helping verbs these are used to show ability, permission possibility for example 

Can I leave 

You should go 

May I come in?

            Types of adverb

Adverb of manner 

Adverb of place

Adverb of time

Adverb of frequency

Adverb of manner states how an action is performed for example

Running fast

Talking well

Adverb of place shows the place of an action for example 

Put the milk in the fridge

He looked everywhere for his copy.

Adverb of time shows the time of the action for example 

He went to the park yesterday 

They go to school daily

Adverb of frequency shows how frequently something happens or does not happen for example

He never went to school 

Sometimes we play football

        Types of adjective 

1: Adjective of quality

2: Adjective of number 

3: Adjective of quantity 

4: Interrogative adjective 

5: Demonstrative adjective

6: Possessive adjective.

An adjective of quality of a noun and pronoun is an adjective of quality it is also called a descriptive adjective for example 1: He has a nice car 

2: Her house is big.

Adjective of quantity 

As the name suggests it shows the quantity of nouns and pronouns.

Kids have  enough toys 

She has some money

Adjective of number 

Adjective of number shows the exact number of a noun or pronoun for example 

She has four Apples

I have read this story two times

Demonstrative adjective this kind of adjective point out a thing or person etc, for example

These books are green

This book is mine.

Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions for example 

whose car is this 

which glass is yours

Possessive adjective words are used to show possession.


It is her book.

         Types of conjunction

1: Coordinating conjunctions 2:Subordinating conjunctions

3: Correlating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions that use single words to join words, phrases, or elements for example for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

These cannot be used at the beginning of a sentence.

Subordinating conjunction, this conjunction connects dependent clauses to independent clauses, these can be used at the beginning of a sentence.

For example,

If they go what shall we do

I missed the class because I was late

Correlative conjunction is the use of such words that join sentences, and this pair is of equal value

For example both /end, not /only, either /or, neither /nor, but /also,.

I will either go to Karachi or Islamabad

If one word is removed from the sentence the sentence does not make sense then, so it’s shown that both words of conjunctions have equal value none can be eliminated

           Interjection types 

1:Interjection of greeting 

2:Interjection of approval 

3:Interjection of joy

4:Interjection of attention

5:Interjection of surprise

6:Interjection of sorrow

An interjection of greetings is used while greeting someone for example 

Hey! How are you

Hello! I am a newcomer

interjection of joy are used to indicate emotions of joy for example 

Hurray! Rabia won the match

Good! you did it well

An interjection of attention is used to get the attention of someone

Ssh! Keep the door shut 

Behold! I saw a beautiful flower

An interjection of approval shows approval in a language for example

Brilliant! You passed it 

Well done! You completed the assignment

An interjection of surprise States the feeling of surprise

What! You made it

Oh! you saw her today 

An interjection of sorrow shows sadness for example

Alas! he could not win

Ouch! I fell

         Types of preposition

Preposition of time

Preposition of place 

Preposition of direction 

The proposition of time shows the time of an action for example 

In, on, at , before,after

His marriage is in January 

 preposition of the place tells us about the place of the objects, for example 

in, on,at,under, above etc.

Preposition of direction tells us  about the place of an action or object for example

to, into towards, etc.


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