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Research proposal or thesis


Research proposal or Thesis

The first and most important thing concerning a research proposal is selecting your topic and then creating a title of a single line or two, out of that topic.

You should be mindful of the hurdles and difficulties that could come your way while researching.

Those hurdles and difficulties could be time, feasibility, manageability, length of the topic, the material available, etc.

All of the above should be kept in mind when choosing a topic and then it should be narrowed down because it’s unimaginable to cover a vast topic in a limited time.

You should also keep in mind the material about the topic if you could find enough material on the topic you have chosen.

Feasibility is also an important factor to be considered, carefully opting for the topic you might end up choosing a topic that is not practicable, for example, you have heard of someone or something but in reality, that thing even doesn’t exist so how it is possible to research.


First, you should select your title and it should be understandable.

There are no hard and fast rules for creating research proposal.

The most frequently used pattern of chapters with a research proposal is as below.


2:literature  review 


4:Data analysis 



The introduction presents the problem of the research, the topic you are going to cover will be explained here.

First, you set the context of your research, create a piece of background information that is related to your topic, start from generic, and come to specific.

Here you can write the research problem, what is your research about, and what is the reason for selecting this topic. Is it your interest or is it the problem you want to solve, to improve the situation or condition etc?

You can further write about solutions or reasons for the problem.

You can also mention the research done before on related topics but not on the area you are covering that’s why you chose this uncovered area of research.

Literature review 

Literature review as the name suggests is reviewing already written content that is relevant to your topic.

You can get the already-done work material from various sources including articles, journals, books, search engines, etc.

A literature review should not be subjective but should be based on research and authentic work.

Articles or work used for research should not be outdated in the sense that they should not date back too far.

After collecting the materials, it should be well read and analyzed further researcher should explicate the work collected in his literature review to support his work and finally in this second chapter the work should be summarised.

Research Methodology 

This chapter States the reliability of your work, in this chapter, the type of research, data collection, the tools, etc used in research are explained.

What was your data? primary or secondary, research paradigm qualitative or quantitative, etc

Finally, justify the methodology used. Use passive voice and past tense in this chapter.

Data analysis

 In this chapter, data will be explicated, and results would be drawn.

Here the researcher will organize and summarise the data and data would be analyzed.

For qualitative research, we use content analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis et cetera.

In quantitative research, descriptive statistics, etc are used.


This would be the last chapter of the thesis, here in this chapter the crux or major points are explained, and conclusions are made.

Summarise the research in this chapter.

You will explain what you were expecting to find and if the results match your findings, make recommendations and suggestions.

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